Little Things in Life : Experiencing Lyrics
Little Things in Life. Things that keep you alive even if you didn’t notice. Hai, tulisan pertama di little things in life. Apa yang terbersit dalam otakmu hari ini? Experiencing Lyrics. Kalian pernah nggak sih, dengerin lagu, meresapi liriknya, dan ngerasa “well fuck, this thing is just absolutely right.” Misalnya, kayak aku pas lagi patah hati, kemudian dengar All I Want nya Kodaline. one of the best music video i've ever watch. “ All I want is nothing more to hear you knocking at my door.. “ Kemudian aku ngeliatin hp aku. Ga ada chat dari dia. #eaaa Gelisah lagi. All I want is nothing more to hear your message vibrating my phone. Gilak, persis. “ ...when you said your last goodbye, I died a little bit inside. I lay in tears in bed all night alone without you by my side.... “ Aiih kemarin aku nangis nangis sambil ketiduran.. “ ...but if you love me, why’d you leave me? Take my body... “ Iya ya..kenapa dia ni...